Our Exploration Method

Strengths: Your Tailwinds
Much like a tailwind that blows in the direction of travel, your strengths push you forward and allow you to thrive in your Third Half. Using CliftonStrengths, an online assessment tool, we help you discover what you naturally do best, where you have the most potential and what makes you exceptional. Understanding the CliftonStrengths results as they relate to making Third Half decisions is a unique approach because we focus on how to use your strengths as they apply to your everyday life, passions and pursuits—and not just your career.
Why CliftonStrengths above other evaluations?
It's the most specific and insightful tool we have used to understand what you will enjoy doing most in your Third Half.
It provides an invaluable foundation upon which to build a successful Third Half blueprint.
The test is easy and painless to take—the time commitment is 30 minutes.
Science: This assessment is based on the science of a 30-year research study on human strengths, with a rigorous empirical process (6,000 people take this test a day). The assessment tool has strong reliability (both internal and test-retest consistency), strong validity, and has been repeatedly subjected to psychometric examination.

Values: Your Compass
A compass gives you direction and keeps you on track when traveling. Your values do the same for the Third Half journey, keeping you pointed in the direction in which you want to go. Ultimately pointing you towards a joyful, fulfilling, and thriving Third Half.
Therefore, knowing your values is key to thriving in the Third Half. We know that personal values can change over time depending on roles, responsibilities, and stages in life. The Third Half is often a time where new values emerge. For example, many Third Halfers who once enjoyed a strict schedule now want a less scheduled life; accordingly, the value of flexibility ends up guiding decisions about activities, commitments, and responsibilities moving forward.
Claiming your values is one of the key themes of the Third Half program. Together we work to align your values with your strengths, your portfolio life, your community-building efforts, and your purpose.

Portfolio Life: Your Radar
Entering the "Third Half" part of life provides a unique opportunity for individuals to really consider how they want to allocate their time going forward.
For many people who have dedicated most of their time to work and family, they now have a unique opportunity in their Third Half to reapportion their time differently. More time becomes available for activities such as recreation, giving back, developing friendships, learning, and exploring new skills. These new interests start to create a multi-dimensional existence which we call a "Portfolio Life" perspective.
No two Portfolio lives are the same, because each Third Half portfolio is unique to a person's own wiring of strengths and values. Third Half Advisor's thinking tools help our participants figure out their own portfolio’s unique design providing a blueprint for how to spend time going forward.
We have found that how you spend your time, and with whom you spend it, is a huge part of living a successful Third Half.

Purpose-Driven Navigation System
The word ‘Planner’ often insights anxiety in people. How many planners or calendars have you bought, intending to use them regularly? How often have you followed through, actually using the planner as often as you thought you would?
Rather than using a planner that may or may not be curated specifically to your Third Half life, consider this:
A system designed to help you focus on your strengths.
A system that helps you organize your life in a way that makes you feel rejuvenated, rather than exhausted.
Moreover, a system that helps you eliminate activities that no longer benefit you—or simply no longer bring you joy.
Finally, a team whose collective Third Half experience helps you use this system in such a way that you achieve your best Third Half.
To put it shortly, our planner—or Third Half Navigation System—simplifies your life, while allowing you to focus on the activities and people you care about most.