Our Approach
Inspire. Explore. Execute.
Why Third Half?
Along with wealth and health, research has found that with purpose, our overall wellbeing and longevity improves. For example, people with a sense of purpose are 2.4 times less likely to develop Alzheimer's or even minor cognitive problems.*
Yet all too often, highly successful, driven, and passionate individuals struggle to find purpose when their primary career concludes—and their wellbeing suffers as a result.
We seek out financial advisors to help with our wealth and the medical community helps with our health. Who helps us find meaning and purpose? Enter Third Half Advisors. Our curriculum and programs are designed to help you explore and find your true purpose for the next phase of your life.
*Source: U. Cal San Fran. Study
Inspirational Stories
We help you find purpose.
Our Third Half Approach
Our Exploration Method
This program brought clarity and focus to my Third Half. I am much more aware of the kinds of activities that energize and reward me, on which I will concentrate my efforts going forward.